Top 20 NuGet test Packages

Test helper classes for the DapperMagna.DB.Extensions package.
An analyzer to find missing tests for tests written with SmartTests.
SmartTests enables you to write Smarter unit tests, wether you use NUnit, Xunit or MSTests. It is best to install SmartTests.Analyzer and SmartTests.Extension so that missing tests will be displayed. They are Smart in the sense that: 1. The Act line of your test is instantly identifiable. ...
This is a test app
Open source JIT Dependency Injection. Just another one - we know! But this follows the same design principles of Google's Guice. MIT License Has been used in 20+ Games which have had a combined download of 25M. Production ready!
Test NuGet for source linking.
Ockham.Net unit testing utilities
Project Naxos
Project Naxos
Test Run Extensions for the Microsoft Test Framework - MSTest V2
Extensions to help testing http actions
Unlocks types and methods loaded into a managed process for dynamic overriding (mocking)
Method chaining style unit testing extension for QUnit.
Package Description
Destination for FakerOfData which serializes fake data to a TextWriter.
Destination for FakerOfData which loads fake data to database using the Simple.Data library
This package contains random value generators which are not considered core functionality.
DevTeam test framework
I provide Selenium webdriver support for UiMatic.