Top 20 NuGet template Packages

Minimal Elmish application with Fulma support
.NET Standard unit test project template Install with command dotnet new -i "Zahasoft.Skele.UnitTest" or dotnet new -i "Zahasoft.Skele::*" for all my templates.
Library provides a simple client-side template-based view engine for JSON data.
This package contains an installable template.NET Core MVC API template. It demonstrates the basic boiler plate for a project and illustrates the development standards for Email Hippo software and services. See main project site for installation instructions.
C# templates for the MonoGame WebGL platform (currently in Alpha).
Dotnet new template for a Bot Builder SDK v4 Echo Bot
Dotnet new template for a Bot Builder SDK v4 Basic Bot
包含了使用 Newbe.Mahua 进行QQ机器人开发所需要的项目模板
.NET Standard unit test project template Install with command dotnet new -i "Zahasoft.Skele.UnitTest.Fsharp" or dotnet new -i "Zahasoft.Skele::*" for all my templates.
TimeWarp Console Template
Nybus is an application framework that allows you to build message-based applications. This package contains templates that can be used to quickly create new applications.
Dotnet new template for a Bot Builder SDK v4 Auth Bot