Top 20 NuGet template Packages

This library is used to generate pdf using service
Spark template for dependency injection service
Markdown template for dependency injection service
DotLiquid template for dependency injection service
ASP.NET Core MVC using the onion architecture and feature folders
A simple code foundation for a WPF application to handle basic view navigation, data templating, commands, property notification, and more.
Simple way to programmatically generate text output from source templates, variables and .NET APIs. The library can be used in .NET, .NET Standard, Xamarin iOS, Android, Mac, CF, and Uwp.
Mini and User Friendly C# IEnumerable object to HTML Table String Library. More Details in Github Link : [HtmlTableHelper: Mini C# IEnumerable object to HTML Table String Library](
Best open source admin dashboard & control panel theme. Built on top of Bootstrap 3, AdminLTE provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.
Farmer makes repeatable Azure deployments easy!
MetaCode exception types
Extensions to Stubble adding ValueGetters for Newtonsoft Json.Net
Graze is a static web site generator. It takes a template and a configuration file and generates a static web site. The generated site is pure HTML / CSS / JavaScript and can be hosted on any web server. The Graze templates are created using the Razor Syntax. Use an empty Visual Studio project as a ...
GrazeWP7 is a Windows Phone 7 app marketing site generator. It uses the Graze templating engine with Twitter Bootstrap.
ViewComponents are HTML Helpers on Steroids: reusable pieces of UI that are skinnable (using Partial Views) and redestributable. Just like the CustomControls of ASP.NET WebForms. A ViewComponent is: Reusable / redistributable; Skinnable; Easy to consume from Views (using flu...
Welcome to Foundation Foundation is a rock-solid, responsive framework for rapidly prototyping and iterating into production code. It includes a 12-column, future-friendly grid and tons of great tools and elements that'll get you up and running in no time. Clone the repo to get the marketing site, d...
This library was built to be used as an alternative to XSLT. Using Razor in some situations might be "cleaner" than XSLT as you can perform Linq queries instead of XPath queries.
CSLA templates for CodeSmith Generator