Top 20 NuGet tdd Packages

[NSUBSTITUTE] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
[MOQ] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
[FAKEITEASY] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
Fluent Assertions extensions for NodaTime
Deleporter Core (use Deleporter.Server/Deleporter.Client for easy setup) - Simple Cross Process Stubbing. Deleporter is a lightweight .NET library that teleports arbitrary delegates into an ASP.NET application in some other process (e.g. hosted in IIS) and runs them there. One use case is stubbing ...
QUnit is one of the most famous testing frameworks for JavaScript. QUnit4SharePonit adds QUnit to your SharePoint 2010 project.
Mocking framework for Windows Phone and Windows Store apps
Easy to use framework for creating mock objects, fakes, stubs with an intuitive and fluent API
This source-only package provides an abstraction for System.DateTime that is mockable
SystemWrapper is a library that wraps .NET classes for system resources like System.IO.FileInfo, System.Reflection.Assembly, and many other classes so you can easily mock them.
This package is now obsolete and has been replaced by the NUnit.Console package. It includes the nunit3-console runner and test engine for version 3 of the NUnit unit-testing framework. The following extensions are included with this package: * NUnitProjectLoader - loads test...
Simple Specification Framework.
Logic Data Access is a IQueryable Repository pattern implementation for LINQ To SQL and In-Memory storages.
ATDD spec generation tool. Converts a plain text file of Acceptance Criteria in the Gherkin syntax into executable specs.
Helpful methods for unit testing with MsTest.
It's a very subtle test data factory with flexible capabilities to customize created objects. Permanent customizations per type can be defined in order to be always applied on-the-fly to objects being created. At the same time any number of additional ad-hoc customizations can be applied in particul...
PsTest is a PowerShell unit testing framework. PsTest is a binary PowerShell module written in C# .NET. PsTest uses a syntax very similar to the QUnit JavaScript unit testing framework, which is used to test jQuery.