Top 20 NuGet system Packages

Provides extension methods for TesserNet when using System.Drawing.
Various extensions to power up System.Text.Json.
Collection of utility extention methods for the System.* namespace.
This library extends System and can be used in most kinds of .NET projects.
PCL Extension provides file system implementations for PCL, .NET Framework, .NET Core, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Mac. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps. Supports .NET Standard now. UWP support is temporarily removed.
Saint Francis College ID System Core Library
This package includes HttpClient for sending requests over HTTP, as well as HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage for processing HTTP messages. This package is not supported in Visual Studio 2010, and is only required for projects targeting .NET Framework 4.5, Windows 8, or Windows Phone 8.1 w...
This packages enables projects targeting down-level platforms to use some of the types added in later versions including: - CallerMemberNameAttribute - CallerLineNumberAttribute - CallerFilePathAttribute - Tuple<T1, T2, ...> - IProgress<T> - IStructuralComparable - IStructuralEquatable - Task - Inv...
This package enables Visual Studio 2012 projects to use the new 'async' and 'await' keywords. This package also includes Task-based extension methods that allow using some of the existing asynchronous APIs with the new language keywords. Windows Phone Silverlight 8 projects can use this package to g...
boost_system-vc141. Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 15.9.58.
Provides a WPF/MVVM filter combobox view control to filter displays on Windows file system folders and files.
(beta) Cross-platform User Management System.
A .NET Rosbridge client. The Rosbridge v2 protocol implementation.
Advanced console display in color.
Library to manage application state using the local file system.
CB.System is a collection of common classes to solve frequently occurring challenges according to System.*.
Extensions to the JsonStringEnumConverter which supports attributes like EnumMember, Display and Description.
A small library for working various system services
.NET System.Collections ToString extension for converting collections (and other types!) to a string in the format that is based on the one in Python
An assembly for extending and/or assisting with HTTP-releated tasks.