Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

An easy to use library for Azure Blob Storage.
This API allows you to read and write time series data from Azure Storage Tables efficiently. Data can be stored in chunks of 1 hour or 1 day in size, allowing you to tailor the read/write performance to match you data data frequency and retrieval speeds. This API works with data collected by the IN...
This Package is handling Azure Storage with Table and Blob
Hangfire MySql Storage with support for MySql 8.x
Get all Files from an Azure Storage Blob Container
Almost all applications on your server, desktop, laptop or mobile device store data in the form of mass data, e.g. photos, binary files or documents and as meta data objects (key,value-pairs), e.g. blog entries, address records or geographical location information. Existing cloud services offer diff...
MSP Toolkit provides some helpers and utilites for WP7 maded by Russian Microsoft Student Partners. Includes: - TrialHelper - IsolatedStorageHelper - TileImageGenerator - HtmlTextBox - SwitchFocusOnKeyPressBehavior - TextBoxWatermarkBehavior - WebBrowserHtmlPropertyBehavior Single-byte en...
The activity pack contains a set of WF activities based on Windows Azure Storage Service and Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service, which enables developers to easily access these Azure services within a workflow application. For more information, please visit
Simple key value storage using sqlite (C# - Source file). All member methods are thread-safe, so a instance can be safelly be accessed by multiple threads. All stored items are serialized to json by Note: this nuget package contains c# source code and depends on .Net 4.0.
An implementation of the Repository pattern for Windows Azure Blob Storage
StorageHelper for saving and loading objects using a DataContractSerializer for Windows Store, Windows Phone and universal Windows .NET apps
Helper library for numerous cloud storage integrations.
A Lawnchair is sorta like a couch except smaller and outside. Perfect for HTML5 mobile apps that need a lightweight, adaptive, simple and elegant persistence solution.
Catharsis.Repository .NET library provides abstraction over persistent data storages by introducing common repository pattern interfaces over popular ORM frameworks (NHibernate, Entity Framework, LINQ2SQL), as well as their implementations : - NHibernate -> NHibernateRepository - LINQ2SQL -> LinqT...
Content-addressable storage for .NET
Orleans MongoDB Storage Provider
Store data object to many type of stores
A client for the Uncodium.EventCloud.AzureBlobService.
Windows平台第三方登录和云存储插件,全面支持Windows 8.1/Windows Phone8.1/Windows Universal(Win10)系统,支持九幽、QQ、新浪微博、推特、facebook五种第三方账号登录方式,提供中英日韩四国语言版本,根据用户终端语言检测自动切换,三套精美模板可供选择;同时提供每用户多达20个应用专属附加参数为开发者调用修改,用户信息云存储,灵活调用
适用于Windwos8.1/Windows Phone8.1/Windows Universal(Win10)App调用,提供云端存储、调用,图片压缩等服务,开通一次后名下应用均可使用,并且赠送5G免费存储空间和每天免费使用额度!集成简单,5分钟让你拥有自己的云端存储服务器!