Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

CAS - Content Addressable Storage (Hybrid Storage Repository).
CAS - Content Addressable Storage (Azure Table Storage Repository).
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
AspNet Core Localization using SQL database for KEY-VALUE pair and share common storage for both SERVER and Client App. This repository, SQL Localization, inspired by Damien Bod's -, AspNetCore Localization project.
PriorityStorageQueueReader is a priority based reader message reader for Azure Queue that supports great multi-threading processing capability A single reader may read form multiple queues within the same storage account and process on multiple handlers new PriorityStorageQueueRead...
CAS - Content Addressable Storage (Json Serializer).
NLog AzureTableTarget to Azure Table Storage OR Azure CosmosDB Tables
dotnet core 阿里云Oss类库
Simple Lightweight Data Searching Library. SLiDS can be used for quick access to data. Data can be placed in an SQL database or memory (Runtime). It is also possible to cache data from an SQL database in memory.
An API which simplifies data storage to disk allowing for easy saving, loading and access of a key-value data structure. Attempts to mimic the functionality and syntax of Androids SharedPreferences.
Object Storage client
Squidex Internal Libraries
Package Description
Xamarin iOS native libraries for uplink.NET
[.Net Standard 2.0] Provides functionality to flatten complex objects into EntityProperty dictionary and functionality to recompose original complex object from the flattened property dictionary. One usage is that the API allows writing any complex object with nested properties into Azure CosmosDb T...
Syntactic sugar for Azure storage
This package provides easy file system abstraction and two implementations storing through azure blob storage or local disk. These implementations are interchangeable and you can easily switch between them in different environments.
Azure Table Storage Provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 framework. Important! This package should be upgraded to the ElCamino.AspNetCore.Identity.AzureTable package. Check here for data migration information.
Common classes to manage azure storage for Devkru
log4net Appender for Azure File Storage.