Top 20 NuGet sql Packages

FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.
SqlFun is a tool for writing data access code in F# functional way. It's fast, type safe and gives you all powers of SQL, no custom query language constraints you. It's also lightweight, you need to know a general idea and few functions (and, of course SQL).
Make dapper compatible with net40.(base on dapper 1.50.7)
Evolve is an easy migration tool that uses plain old sql scripts. Its purpose is to automate your database changes, and help keep those changes synchronized through all your environments and developpement teams. Every time you build your project, it will automatically ensure that your database is up...
TypedDataLayer is data layer using statically-typed generated classes.
Class of C # that allows the use of basic methods for Entity Framework (Select,Insert, Update, Delete), using generic collections, compatibility with .Net Framework 4.5
Small and simple Data Access Layer/Library/Repositories for Entity Framework Core using Sql Server Provider
PocoData.Sql is a MS SQL implementation of the PocoData micro ORM. Because sometimes you need simpler, lighter data access methods.
This is the Data Definition Language extension for TranceSQL. This is a pre-release version; it supports only a small subset of available DDL commands. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Enti...
More Details in Github Link : [DbSqlHelper : Mini/Easy RDBMS SQL Helper. ](
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
DotNetHelper.ObjectToSql takes your generic types or dynamic & anonymous objects and convert it to sql. It also works with DataTable