Top 20 NuGet sql Packages

Stimulsoft Dashboards.WIN is a set of components using which you can add analytics to your application. Dashboards are designed for both WinForms and WPF technologies. Data can be rendered using various widgets from tables and charts to arrow gauges. Stimulsoft Dashboards.WIN supports a variety of d...
Azure Cosmos provider for Entity Framework Core.
Helper methods GetOne, GetMany, GetScalar, GetScalarBool, GetScalarDate, NonQuery, GetOneAsync, GetManyAsync, GetScalarAsync, GetScalarBoolAsync, GetScalarDateAsync, NonQueryAsync
This library was created specifically for those who consider EF (Entity Framework) too cumbersome
Dead simple integration tests with Sql server throwaway databases.
SqlDatabaseBuilder is a lightweight library used to add and remove database resources in a Sql Server database from within a C# application.
Easily add the ability to store data in Azure Storage's Table Service. Also works with CosmosDB when it is used in Tables API mode. Simply decorate your business objects and its properties with the provided attributes and store and retrieve data with Azure Table Storage using ONE line of code!
Wrapper library over the official Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB .NET Client library and the Gremlin.NET driver. Provides seamless integraition of the Gremlin and SQL APIs for a optimized and fast Graph database experience.
Apache Ignite EntityFramework Second Level Cache: caches EF query results in a distributed in-memory cache.
Apache Ignite is a distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed.
The GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform, built on Apache Ignite, enables you to dramatically accelerate and scale out your existing data-intensive applications without ripping and replacing your existing databases.
Library to manage database change tracking as a stream.
Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and common SQL for DotNet Core.
Provides helper classes using the Repository Pattern on a SQL Server database.
A library for easy, efficient and high performance bulk insert and update of data, into a Sql Database, from .Net applications. By leveraging the power of the SqlBulkCopy classes with added support for Identity primary key table columns this library provides a greatly simplified interface to process...
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
fuzzystrmatch module support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
The Loki Bulk Data Processor is an Asp.Net Core library which enables the fast bulk processing of data. It uses the SQL Bulk Copy class under the hood, and can process data model collections or data tables. There is a tutorial available on the Loki Software YouTube channel:
Convert Perdicate to string use with dapper
Dragon Core is a simple and strong typed ORM tool for .NET Core.