Top 20 NuGet sitecore Packages

Sitecore Pathfinder toolchain.
High throughput bulk database access for Sitecore.
MSBuild extensions for building Sitecore icon zip archives and including them in the published website
Kraft Wrapper is a library that make Sitecore API injectable and unit testable. It is interface based, model of the Sitecore API, which is included auto mapping from an item to your model class.
Minimal package for Sitecore 8.2+ projects. Compatible with new csproj format.
My package description.
This extension triggers the Sitecore rebuild process on post deployment for Sitecore Legal Demo on AppSource.
Revolver is a command line and scripting tool for Sitecore. It saves developers and administors time by allowing them to script common and repetative actions This package is for solutions built against Sitecore version 9.0. This package only contains the Core DLL to allow custom commands to be buil...
Not a sample value!
Language Migration Tool for Sitecore 9.0 and .Net Framework 4.6.2
A library that deserializes Rainbow (.yml) files into FakeDb items and templates for the purpose of unit/integration testing Sitecore projects.
Sitecore health endpoints.
SC Hotfix 204620-1 Sitecore CES 2.1.0
A Sitecore Url Mapper.
A Sitecore Url Mapper.
Sitecore code generation library
Cake Addin for Sitecore code generation