Top 20 NuGet service Packages

RESTful web service consumer for .Net C#
Microsoft Application Insights Profiler for ASP.NET Core.
KeyVault provider for Microsoft Azure ServiceBus attachment plugin
Provides Azure Service Bus connection status evaluation to integrate with monitoring services
Alexa Voice Service (alexa-voice-service) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A Photon plugin for managing Windows Services.
ArqueBus is a .Net Standard 2.0 generic open source memory event bus.
This class contains two part : the first part define an arrays used for invoking the web service on Azure Machine Learning: • The ColumnNames string array contains the column names for the input parameters. • The Values string array will contain the individual values for each corresponding ...
A Service Fabric Reliable Services and Event Hubs integration for perfect partitioning. Event Hubs is a great entry point for a bajillion messages coming into your Service Fabric application. This package provides the glue to directly connect a service to Event Hubs, process events and ...
A Service Fabric Reliable Services and Event Hubs integration for perfect partitioning. Event Hubs is a great entry point for a bajillion messages coming into your Service Fabric application. This package provides the glue to directly connect a service to Event Hubs, process events and ...
A Service Fabric Reliable Services and Event Hubs integration for perfect partitioning. Event Hubs is a great entry point for a bajillion messages coming into your Service Fabric application. This package provides the glue to directly connect a service to Event Hubs, process events and ...
Use .Net Core Generic Service and Quartz to Implement Background Schedule Tasks.
A tiny utility for Repository-Service pattern for ASP.NET Core
Use the eBay SDK for .NET to simplify common development tasks like logging, error handling, and authentication.
First, subscribe on Microsoft Azure. Microsoft gives a 7-day trial Subscription Key . We can use that Subscription key for testing purposes. you need to log into the Azure Portal with our Azure credentials. Then we need to c...
First, subscribe on Microsoft Azure. Microsoft gives a 7-day trial Subscription Key . We can use that Subscription key for testing purposes. you need to log into the Azure Portal with our Azure credentials. Then we need to c...
First, subscribe on Microsoft Azure. Microsoft gives a 7-day trial Subscription Key . We can use that Subscription key for testing purposes. you need to log into the Azure Portal with our Azure credentials. Then we need to c...
First, subscribe on Microsoft Azure. Microsoft gives a 7-day trial Subscription Key . We can use that Subscription key for testing purposes. you need to log into the Azure Portal with our Azure credentials. Then we need to c...
Azure Service Bus hosting infrastructure and startup logic for background applications.