Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Write RawRabbit's logs with Serilog
Serilog Redis sinks that logs to a Redis List type
Core functionality shared across Serilog Redis sinks
The LiteDB sink for Serilog
Service Fabric Seq Logging
Message templates - the ability to format named string values, and capture the properties
Enrich Serilog log events with properties from AWS EC2
Enrich Serilog log events with the application name.
InfluxDB sink for Serilog with .NET standard 2.0.
Sematic logging infrastructure based on Serilog. Provides support for console and rolling file sinks with easy configuration.
Serilog event sink that writes to Log4Net. Merge your new Serilog event stream into your existing log4net infrastructure.
Serilog event sink that writes to a Glimpse tab.
Serilog event sink that writes to NLog. Merge your new Serilog event stream into your existing NLog infrastructure.
WHEN log events met a criteria, DO allow modifying properties as well as sending/piping to secondary logging instances.
Service Fabric Actor Seq Logging
Service Fabric Serilog Logging
Serilog extension to enable logging through serilog for Microsoft Azure WebJobs.
Alternative of Serilog Build-in Rolling File. Extended to limit to log file size, seperate files for log level, and log file retention.
Serilog Logging extension for Ninject
Seq app to post message on Rocket.Chat channel