Top 20 NuGet security Packages

.NET email library with full support for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. Supports S/MIME and PGP message signing, encryption, and decryption to foster better email security and privacy. Follows IETF standards, implementing all IMAP4rev1, POP3, SMTP, and S/MIME 3.2 commands plus common extensions such as IDL...
WS-Trust helpers and bindings for WCF
Azure Encryption Extensions is a simple library designed to streamline the work required to encrypt data stored in Azure Blob Storage. Data is encrypted on-the-fly as it is uploaded to Azure, and decrypted as it is downloaded. Unencrypted data never leaves your machine and you can manage your keys h...
Flexberry Security package.
A simple Have I been pwned API wrapper
A simple, no-drama, reCAPTCHA validation library that works with ASP.NET Core, Razor Pages, MVC 5, and WebForms.
Contains classes and tools for working with Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS).
Handles encoding, decoding and validation of JSON Web Signature (JWS) objects, as defined in RFC 7515.
Relational entities for the OpenIddict Entity Framework 6.x stores.
Class library implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography algorithms. Algorithms supported: Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) Curves supported: NIST P-192 NIST P-224 NIST P-256 NIST P-384 NIST P-52...
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
ASPNET package for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project configuration in AspNet projects
An implementation of HMAC for ASP.NET Core
The Sqreen in app agent for .NET. Defense in depth for OWASP Top-10 attacks that’s easy to install, manage and scale.
Provides types for checking for NuGet Dependencies, Reporting Vulnerabilities
Provides logic to scan packages using the National Vulnerability Database.
Authress SDK
SqlServer implementation for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project based on ASPNET Identity
Allows to use controllers to handle incoming requests.
Package Description