Top 20 NuGet rx Packages

This project contains extension methods to ease the use of the Kinect V2 SDK with the help of Rx.
Functional Reactive Programming Library for .NET.
Library for Robotics programming in F#/C#
Reactive extensions for Kinect for Windows v2 SDK
Evented State Processor (ESP) adds specific processing workflow around changes to a model's state. This package adds functionality to integrate ESP with RX.
Source Only Package - Evented State Processor (ESP) adds specific processing workflow around changes to a model's state. This package adds functionality to integrate ESP with RX.
Evented State Processor (ESP) adds specific processing workflow around changes to a model's state. This package adds functionality to integrate ESP with RX.
Source Only Package - Evented State Processor (ESP) adds specific processing workflow around changes to a model's state. This package adds functionality to integrate ESP with RX.
Simplified version of the ReactiveUI framework Project main goal is to keep limited subset of ReactiveUI features: - this.WhenAny, this.WhenAnyValue, this.WhenAnyObservable - ObservableAsPropertyHelper, ToProperty - ReactiveObject, this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged - ReactiveCommand, ReactiveAsyncCommand
Qactive serializable expressions library.
WhenChanged extension for INotifyPropertyChanged and ICommand implementation
Fody weaver used to manage disposables returned from calls to IObservable.Subscribe() in a composite disposable to ensure they're cleaned up when an object is disposed
Smart UWP support library for .NET
Library for data binding to IObservables in xaml
Uses Rx v2.5.5
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for Xamarin iOS Unified.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v7.AppCompat.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v4.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for Android.