Top 20 NuGet render Packages

Methods for rendering visual tree into an image file or WriteableBitmap.
Source code package. An extension which parses the value of the given KeyValuePair<string,object> and replaces any tokens referencing keys in the given data.
The Avalonia front end for CSharpMath.
Can convert CSharpMath.Atom.MathList parsed from LaTeX with CSharpMath.Atom.LaTeXParser into actual mathematical expressions that are evaluatable with AngouriMath. Supports arithmetic, trigonometry, symbolic simplification and expansion, as well as matrices, sets, and equation solv...
A checkbox implementation for Xamarin.Forms made with the awesome SkiaSharp library.
Renders HTML to PNG or PDF, supports windows and linux
Renders PDF files to images
Pdfcrowd API client library allows you to run conversions between HTML, PDF and various image formats. Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 2.0+ - .NET Standard 2.0+ - .NET Core 2.0+ - .NET 5+
~ PDF Tagging and Accessibility ~ Logical Content Extraction ~ PDF to HTML conversion ~ PDF Editing ~ Automated PDF Remediation - make PDF accessible and PDF/UA compliant - add tags to PDF - embed fonts, add missing unicode characters - update document language, metadata - fix validation issues -...
Multipurpose (UI Controls / Image generation), 100% managed (C#), High performance HTML Rendering library for Mono. HTML UI in .NET Mono applications using controls or static rendering. Features and Benefits: --- * Controls: HtmlPanel, HtmlLabel, HtmlToolTip. * Create...
WPF (System.Windows.Media) backend for NGraphics
Pure Render Decorator (pure-render-decorator) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A cross-platform library for rendering SVG files using SVGSharpie and ImageSharp; written in C#
Syncfusion SkiaSharp Helper is a .NET Standard library that provides GDI+ equivalent APIs to achieve the rendering support in .NET Core platforms. Key features: • GDI+ equivalent classes and rendering methods (i.e. Graphics, GraphicsPath, etc.) Support: Incident:
Super awesome Indiegame library.
Android backend for NGraphics
The iOS front end for CSharpMath.
If you want to add a nice bloom-effect to your game, this library will help you. It's a portable library, so it will work with all MG flavors and it is pretty simple to use. Just create a BloomEffectRenderer in your game, hook it up (Initialize and UnloadContent) and tell it to render the effect a...