Top 20 NuGet redis Packages

StorageProvider to store Data on RethinkDB.
StorageProvider to store Data on a REDIS Server.
StorageProvider to store Data on CosmosDB.
StorageProvider to store Data on Azure Blob
Redis wrappers by StackExchange.Redis
.Net standard repository library for Redis.
SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
Object-document mapper between TrackableData and Redis for DotNet Core.
This is a.Net redis integrated driver to support a single instance, cluster, sentinel and other modes of data manipulation 这是一个.net 的redis集成驱动,支持单实例、云集群、哨兵等模式的数据操作
SqlServer PubSub notifications via Redis and SqlTableDependency extension
Clinia CQRS Redis Cache Provider
Lightweight library to query Redis by predefined queries on top of StackExchange.Redis. This library enables that you can use redis database with predefined queries. Queries are seen like pipelines which are executed when data is writing/removing on redis. This library also enables R...
Support for Redis for Hangfire.Tags. This separate library is required in order to search for tags, and proper cleanup.
Distributed cache implementation of ServiceStack.Redis.Core for ASP.NET Core
Json Localization for .net
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