Top 20 NuGet react Packages

An MSBuild task to transpile JavaScript via Babel.
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR and Saturn
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR and ASP.NET Core and Giraffe
Feliz-style Fable bindings for Material-UI.
XamarinReactorUI is an UI framework that let you build Xamarin Forms pages using a React/Flutter inspired model. This is the package required to integrate Xamarin SkiaSharp View
Desktop Assets, Vue and React Framework libraries, Bootstrap, Material Design SVGs, Font Awesome and Win32 APIs for ServiceStack CEF .NET Core Desktop Apps
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR, Fable, and Feliz
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR, Fable, and Elmish
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR and Fable
A way to write your styling in FSS. Built atop Emotion-js to provide a typed CSS solution for F#
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for material-ui-pickers
Cross-platform .NET library for computations whose arguments and results are objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged (ObservableCollection) interfaces. The computations include ones similar to LINQ (collections), the computation of arbitrary expression (scalar valu...
XamarinReactorUI is an UI framework that let you build Xamarin Forms pages using a React/Flutter inspired model.
XamarinReactorUI is an UI framework that let you build Xamarin Forms pages using a React/Flutter inspired model. This is the package required to integrate PancakeView (
XamarinReactorUI is an UI framework that let you build Xamarin Forms pages using a React/Flutter inspired model. This is the package required to integrate Xamarin.Plugin.SharedTransitions (
Android binding of react-native.
Provides a compile-time transformation to generate web components from react components
Built-in, generic middlewares for FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server Executor
Web workers in Fable made easy, exposed as React hooks and Elmish commands.
Fable bindings for Facebook's recoil.