Top 20 NuGet razor Packages

Oracle support for Jerrycurl.
MySQL support for Jerrycurl.
JSON support for Jerrycurl. Targets Newtonsoft.Json.
JSON support for Jerrycurl. Targets System.Text.Json.
Entity Framework Core integration for Jerrycurl.
Generate emails using Razor templates. Anything you can do in ASP.NET is possible here. Uses the RazorLight project under the hood. A fork from Luke Lowrey's amazing FluetEmail.Razor package.
Microsoft SQL Server legacy support for Jerrycurl. Targets System.Data.SqlClient.
ORM engine for Jerrycurl.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using Yandex Translate.
Static site generator (base interfaces extensions)
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
ViewComponents are HTML Helpers on Steroids: reusable pieces of UI that are skinnable (using Partial Views) and redestributable. Just like the CustomControls of ASP.NET WebForms. A ViewComponent is: Reusable / redistributable; Skinnable; Easy to consume from Views (using flu...
This library was built to be used as an alternative to XSLT. Using Razor in some situations might be "cleaner" than XSLT as you can perform Linq queries instead of XPath queries.
A simple CMS package for MVC4.
Provides types that might prove useful for Web development: generic HttpHandler type, asset providers, Razor and WebForms compile-time optimizers.
A framework for creating a strongly typed model of the Sitecore API. For Sitecore Mvc projects.