Top 20 NuGet queue Packages

Microsoft ServiceBus based implementation of DynamicQueue framework for .Net Core.
NLog based logging provider for DynamicQueue.Core.
Class library for managing Tasks.
Emitter is an MQTT client tailored for service, allowing real-time publish subscribe. It supports full .Net Framework and WinRT platform (Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+).
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for .NET nanoFramework for M2M communication.
A task scheduler for .NET Core.
A task scheduler for .NET Core.
Package Description
Optional Autofac modules for Lokad.Cloud.Storage. You do NOT need this package, unless you want to integrate Lokad.Cloud.Storage into your already existing Autofac container quickly.
Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
A durable job queue library based on Reactive extensions
An implementation of a persistent job queue in Redis
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...
A store and forward message queue for .NET. based on ServiceWire.
The F# Azure Storage Type Provider allows simple access to Blob, Table and Queue assets, using Azure Storage metadata to intelligently infer schema where possible, whilst providing a simple API for common tasks.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.