Top 20 NuGet query Packages

Where to put your SQL queries? Well, put them in a database.
EventWay.Infrastructure.Sqlite is an Sqlite implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.Redis is a Redis implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.InMemory is an in-memory implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.ApplicationInsights tracks all events of the aggreate by Azure Application Insights
Easy library for CQRS
Package Description
A Dynamics CRM / Dynamics 365 library for fluent IOrganizationService queries
Extension for the .net UriBuilder to simply extend the query
Simple and powerful SQL builder
Helper functions to write dynamic LINQ queries
This is a Sql automatic data mapping library which extends the SqlConnection class. It is intended to be as simple to use as possible through the use of one parameter generic query methods and attributes
Helpers for implementing microservices with Qualm and Asp.Net Core.
QueryBuilder API built on top of NHibernate IQueryOver to enable uses of aliases outside of their scope and bring ease of creating reusable queries.
PhoneticMatching C# project.
Core components for ThinkSharp.CommonQL
UI for components for ThinkSharp.CommonQL