Top 20 NuGet publish Packages

Postal.js is an in-memory message bus - very loosely inspired by AMQP - written in JavaScript. Postal.js runs in the browser, or on the server-side using Node.js.
The Notifications component for the NServicebus
EzBus - Messaging made easy!
A TCP-based, Pub/Sub C# library.
The .NET Core SDK for the Realtime Cloud Messaging (aka ORTC) service. A secure, fast and highly scalable cloud-hosted Pub/Sub real-time message broker for web and mobile apps. If your website or mobile app has data that needs to be updated in the user's interface as it changes (e.g. real-time stock...
A multi-threaded in-memory implementation of publish–subscribe pattern.
Pub/Sub in-memory with all parts configurable
A developer friendly service bus for .NET
Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessage<T>. (Core)
A RabbitMQ implementation of a simple publish/subscribe service bus
WindowsAzure ServiceBus transport for EzBus
ScriptCs host for ClickTwice publishing, including the script pack
Subscribe/Publish events implementation with customizable execution patterns. Refer to for sources and samples
Enrich the BusClient with PublishAsync, used to perform a BasicPublish
Emitter is an MQTT client tailored for service, allowing real-time publish subscribe. It supports full .Net Framework and WinRT platform (Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+).
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...
Subtopic provides topic-based PubSub for javascript. Originally based on Peter Higgins' port from Dojo to JQuery and updated with support for message chaining inspired by Morgan Roderik's PubSubJS.
Subtopic provides topic-based PubSub for Underscore. Originally based on Peter Higgins' port from Dojo to JQuery and updated with support for message chaining inspired by Morgan Roderik's PubSubJS.