Top 20 NuGet plugin Packages

MvcModelGenerator is a plugin package for Rhetos development platform. It automatically generates ASP.NET MVC model for all entities and other queryable data structures that are defined in a Rhetos application.
Cross platform Xamarin plugin to play and control Audio and Video. This adds Xamarin.Forms specific features
Take or pick photos and videos from a cross platform API.
Cross platform Xamarin plugin
Set of several tools and dependency services for xamarin
Shearlegs Runtime
Plugga.Core lets you quickly create modular ASP .Net Core applications searching, loading and configuring any "pluggable" component. Pluggable components are a little set of commonly used objects as Controllers, DbContexts, Razor Pages, SignalR Hubs, HostedServices, static assets and, of course, you...
OpenMod permission link for OxideMod
OpenMod Rust extension
Plugin Description
This library allows you to develop plugins to extend functionality and change behaviour of the iikoFront application.
This is a binding project for the tasker plugin
DrakeUI Framework Library - Libraries tools, software development,applications, interface design many colors.
Plugin Description
This library allows you to develop plugins to extend functionality and change behaviour of the iikoFront application.
A Kendo UI plugin for MVC that supports adding and removing items from a list Model.
Provides basic infrastructure for the Duality editor, such as PropertyEditors and Importers.
Allows to import and manage text-based files directly in the editor
Allows for messagebox style dialogs to be called from your shared/PCL/MVVM code - Action Sheet (multiple choice menu) - Alert - Confirm - Date - Loading - Login - Progress - Prompt - Toast (Snackbars) - Time On android, be sure to call UserDialogs.Init() before using! Supported Platforms - iOS 7+ ...
Bootstrap Treeview by is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a very fast and extandable tool, and will add advanced interaction controls to any tree structure. This plugin allows you to create tree structure using bootstrap or material design styles. Free open source tool di...