Top 20 NuGet pattern Packages

Package provides a ready to use SpecFlow steps for all commonly used actions based on WebAutomation framework. For more details see Project Site.
A simple generic repository wrapper library for entity framework core
File system path globbing library (wildcards like in bash).
Provides a set of useful classes when implementing a disposable or dealing with disposables. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
Lightweight Framework to develop modular extendable visitors
LeadPipe.Net.Data.NHibernate.Unity is a comprehensive pre-built data implementation package that uses NHibernate and provides implementations of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. This package provides easy component registration for Unity users. LeadPipe.Ne...
Provides base classes for implementation of the Repository Pattern.
Ever wanted to use a flat-file NOSQL database? Here you'll find a repository-pattern-like IOC-ready set of tools, (among others), to give you this esoteric functionality
Adds ASP.NET Core filters that translate from Result to ActionResult.
Based on DDD principles, this package is a simple specification pattern c# implementation to validate business rules on your domain.
A pure port to .NET Core (C#) of Technical Analysis Library
A simple package to implement the FluentValidation in Result package.
Abstractions for advanced repository and unit of work patterns.
The framework provides an easy to use layer for writing Selenium tests using the Page Object Pattern. Based on XML, you can automatically generate all necessary C# classes, which will represent the tested websites. For more details see Project Site.
MVVM extensions designed for .NET Standard with support for async commands, MVVM-friendly Object and Task with support for UI notification.
Provides static wrapper for repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection
Provides static wrapper for MySql repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection
Provides static wrapper for Ms SqlServer repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection。SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) 。
Provides Adapter For Dapper,SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) ;