Top 20 NuGet parser Packages

Core components for SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * ConditionComponent Supports composite conditions with limited short-circuit evaluation (separately for all brackets) Additional Operato...
This library provides classes as well as interfaces to be used to convert numbers into their capacity representation.
Generic Vaughn Pratt's top-down operator precedence parser.
A Yaml Parser for .NET
.Net Library for Parsing Database Object Dependencies from T-SQL Scripts
Simple, framework-version-independent XML-based parser of csproj files. Works with traditional .NET Framework csproj files (old and new) and modern .NET core csproj files
Evaluate C# Formulas at Runtime
Library to use markdown content with yaml frontmatter to create html static content
The purpose of this library is to simplify and unify the mundane task of command line parsing and validating on Windows and Linux systems. Please check the project website for further documentation.
Scan assemblies for IParser<> implementations and register them to IOC.
SqlClient easy parser to object with nested complex object for .NET Core.
This is an open source .NET C# implementation of an X12 Parser. The Parser allows for a specification of any X12 transaction set to create a generic xml representation of the hierachical data conatined within the X12/NCPDP document.
Tools for constructing .Net native Domain Specific Languages
Easy Command Line Parser is a simple parser based on predefined verbes. It handle both a string command line as well as an array.
Provides Protocol Buffer Parser and Listener assets which build a subset of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Descriptors.
A sample for Ookii.CommandLine demonstrating how to define and parse arguments. The sample is provided for C# and Visual Basic.
A commandline utility accelerator for "Tasks" style utilities.
TryParse from .NET Standard done right
The IronMeta parser generator provides a programming language and application for generating pattern matchers on arbitrary streams of objects. It is an implementation of Alessandro Warth's OMeta system for C#.