Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Slack OAuth provider for OWIN to use with ASP.NET 4.5
This package contains classes for enabling Swagger definitions and UI to the Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server SDK. For more information, check out
This is a fork of the original Hangfire.MongoDB targeting .NET 4.5 and updating to latest MongoDB. MongoDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
This owin module allows you to redirect the welcome page where you want to.
Lazy authentication OAuth2 allows you to easily add OAuth to your owin projects.
A library for enabling ASP.Net Identity to work with Umbraco front-end members. Original code used a SqlCe data store. This one uses a MySql database rather than a Sql CE database
An owin middleware for JWT tokens and optional cookie parsing with an owin signin delegate.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides integration with WebApi combined with Owin.
Saml2 IdP Owin Middleware
Facebook OAuth provider for OWIN to use with ASP.NET 4.5
OWIN logging extensions using LogJam
Easy and Simple way to add membership feature to your project. based on Identity, Owin, Entity Framework.
Owin.JwtAuth provides JSON Web Token authentication with X509 signing and configuration stored in App.config/Web.config.
Module for logging request and response data
See description at project site or follow the link:
A source code package designed to be used with LibLog to provide Owin logging.
Provides extensions to Castle.Windsor to use Owin Per-WebRequest Lifestyle
Access token requirement validation middleware for JWTs.