Top 20 NuGet output Packages

Style your C# console output!
Library for interacting with external command-line interfaces
Treats the "output" folder in an dependend nuget package as an additional special folder and copies it's content to the build folder
The xUnit test output sink for Serilog
Framework for enabling time-series data processing services including hosted input, action and output adapter implementations.
Allows you to print out objects in a table view in a console application. Should be helpful for the diehard console fans.
Provides services for the data import/export (input/output). Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - DataStreams: IDataStreamReader, IDataStreamWriter. - Export: IDataExportService. - Import: IDataImportService, IDataImportBehavior. ...
Write colorful messages to the console using simple to use syntax
BufferIO is an extensible big-endian oriented byte buffer with pooling support and additional binary read and write streams.
LogMan is a lightweight, one-file .NET console solution, inspired by the console input system used in Minecraft server consoles. It allows multiple threads to output text to the console, without breaking any input currently being typed by a user. It also supports a variable-size command history.
It's never been so easy to print messages to the console. With FastConsole you can print simple values or super cool text with multiple colors. You can do all of this with easy and short methods!
Enhances Bodoconsult.Core.Text, a simple class for collecting structured text in an app, with an export of the text to PDF. Use library to create simple reports from apps or from unit testing i.e. for auditors or as documentation.
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.File is an extensive file logging Library for the NChronicle logging framework. NChronicle.File includes opt...
Library providing functionality to help when creating .NET Console applications.
Library to convert a list of values into a "table" (ASCII-styled, markdown, csv)
Peafowl is very simple and extensibility console color helper for .Net and .Net Core applications. You can also extend some functionality.
Simple class for collecting structured text in an app and export it to HTML or an ASCII plain text file. Use library to create simple reports from apps or from unit testing i.e. for auditors or as documentation.
Basic html output minifier for Razor View Engine. Based on work of &
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.Core is the core functionality and abstraction layer for all of these Libraries. NChronicle.Core supports mu...
Sometime you need fluent api to design the class and output as string for Reflection or anyother purposes and you end up with lot of string lines and messy code. This library will provide you fluent api to design the class and output as string.