Top 20 NuGet of Packages

Algorithms used to persist object state - shared resources
Algorithms used to persist object state with Entity Framework Core
This is a unit Of Work Repository for core app. In this repository , Query Executor and UnitOfWork separate. You can now perform query execution by injecting IQueryExecutor
Class library for working with general language constructs.
NetStandard2.0 and NetCoreApp2.2 Utilities for Crud API System - Unit Of Work Interface: should be referenced only by API project for Commit and Rollback actions.
A simple C# implementation of the Unit of Work pattern for use with IDbConnection, as well a Saga implementation for orchestrating transactions across domains.
A compact version of Chain of Responsibility for .NET Core projects
Repository and Unit of Work implementation using Entity Framework Core
KHQR is created for Retail Payment in Cambodia and cross-border payment within ASEAN countries. It only requires a single QR for receiving payment from any mobile apps including Bakong App, making QR payment simple for both customers and merchants in Cambodia.n For more detail spec please refer to P...
NHibernate ISession context provider
Additional wireup provider for NanoMessageBus using Autofac.
Mugen Injection extension to add ioc for WCF services.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC2.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC3.
The Mugen Injection container for the NServicebus.
Mugen Injection extension to add Ioc for Web application.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC4.
Interception extension for MugenInjection. Supports Silverlight 4-5, NET 2-4.5
Logging extension for MugenInjection.