Top 20 NuGet nuget Packages

Bing Video Search API provides an experience similar to Bing Videos, by returning videos that Bing determines are relevant to a query.
This package is used for demo and/or experimentation only. Please do not use this package, especially in production environments.
BaGet's NuGet server implementation
The Bing Local Business Search API allows your applications to search for nearby business locations using queries.
The libraries to host BaGet on SQL Server.
The libraries to host BaGet on SQLite.
The libraries to host BaGet on MySQL.
The libraries to host BaGet on PostgreSQL.
The libraries to host BaGet on the Google Cloud Platform.
This is an age calculator
Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows (like apt-get but for Windows). It was designed to be a decentralized framework for quickly installing applications and tools that you need. It is built on the NuGet infrastructure currently using PowerShell as its focus for delivering packages from the di...
Unofficial .net Culqi SDK
Automate publishing a project's nuget package during build process.
This is all-in-one project
Presents result of Ajax queries into 4 groups
A build target that pack and publish the project to a private nuget server.
🎚🎛 Event-Catcher with variety of advanced Actions to service projects, libraries, build processes, runtime environment of the Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, and … Control everything: Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, CI, and more … Open Source Project: