Top 20 NuGet nservicebus Packages

Send heartbeat monitoring messages from NServiceBus endpoints
Package Description
Low level .net wrapper for the SQL Server transport.
Message deduplication for the SQL Server transport.
NHibernate integration for NServiceBus
RabbitMQ support for NServiceBus
Adapter for the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection IoC Container
Acceptance testing framework for NServiceBus endpoints. This is an unsupported package.
Ease of use framework for testing Aggregates.NET entities and handlers
PowerShell Cmdlets for NServiceBus
SQL transport support for NServiceBus. This packages depends on Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
Adapter for the Autofac IoC Container
Adapter for the Castle Windsor IoC Container
Functionality for generically hosting NServiceBus processes
RavenDB persistence support for NServiceBus
Log4Net support for NServiceBus
ES/CQRS framework for NServiceBus and EventStore
Integration with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting for NServiceBus
SimpleInjector support for Aggregates.NET