Top 20 NuGet netfx Packages

Simple example of a domain object with logic that leverages event sourcing.
Implements a very simple unoptimized store for the file system.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.MessageStore
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using Json.NET serializer.
Copies an arbitrary stream to another stream or an output file (buffered).
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using a Json.NET serializer.
Strong-typed Linq to Web API. Builds on top of HttpClient and provides the easiest way to interface with typed REST services that are modeled around typed entities or contracts. Example: var products = client .Query<Product>("products") .OrderBy(x => x.Downloads) .Skip(25) .Take(25) .ToList();
Provides the implementation of a reactive extensions event stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream.
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Reactive.EventStream.Implementation
Readable formatting strings using named parameters and a custom or anonymous object as the context, like "Hello {FirstName} {LastName}".FormatWith(customer).
Tests for netfx-System.TypeInheritance
xUnit Tests for netfx-Guard
Adds the required source code and Web.config changes to support SWT tokens. Just configure SWT token format in Azure ACS/STS, and add your SwtSigningKey value to the Web.config! Requires: and
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainCommands
Implements the event sourcing pattern for entities persisted via EF
Provides the core APIs to implement the event sourcing pattern and an application event bus.
Provides additional behavior to the Event Sourcing package DomainObject partial class to allow auto wiring of event handlers using conventions.
Provides reusable extensions that make implementing an event store over an underlying IQueryable repository trivial.
Provides the primitives for centralizing and reusing Linq queries across a domain.