Top 20 NuGet netstandard Packages

Dependency injection implementation for azure function V2. Support for dependency injection will be added as part of the functions plarform but in the meanwhile this is a good approach.
Implementation of a MsTestContext configuration provider for Microsft extensions configuration.
db4o is an .NET embedded object oriented database aimed to simplify object storage / query / retrieval with minimal. this is GPL .netstandard2.0 version SDK Extensions for Microsoft Configuration and Dependency Injection SDK for .NET and .NET Core
base lib for suites.core
Library to create HTTP API clients. HttpWorker provides processing of requests in background and managing of network failures.
Simple cross-platform window creation library. It wraps glfw under the hood and provides a window class that should be suitable for most applications. The window is OpenGL ready.
base lib for suites.core
This package contains a base fixture class with numerous helper methods to assist with scaffolding unit tests.
A minimalistic logger.
base lib for suites.core
Data Access Library that simplifies data access to a Microsoft SQL server. Wraps SqlConnection the SqlCommand into a series of objects and methods that provide more straightforward usage. GetObjects<T>()/GetObject<T>() provides functionality to fill an object via reflection in a lightweight manner...
Simple sitemap generator. Image and SiteMapIndex are supported.
Generates attractive random colors. This is a port to .NET of randomColor (, David Merfield&apos;s javascript random color generator. Thanks also to Hrusikesh Panda.
Gyxi is a free and clean document database, available anywhere in the world, which supports cloud-scale workloads with infinite scalability and focus on correct partitioning to achieve great performance. Register for free on to start using Gyxi. 1 GB data is free and after that the cost is...