Top 20 NuGet net Packages

Apache NMS (.Net Standard Messaging Library) Test Suite
Este pacote é parte do pacote SoftmakeAll.SDK Este pacote fornece apoio para Reflection e compilação de código dinâmico de bibliotecas .NET Standard.
A .NET Standard class library that converts int numbers to ordinal strings with multi language support
Library made to easily interact with local or remote process (memory, thread etc...)
Creating library netcore
A very basic wrapper for using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol in netstandard 2.0 (uwp, xamarin) projects
Package Description
Library for using S3 as WebRequests
It is infrastructure for .NET projects. Contains easy code helpers (like converters and validators).
A no-nonsense duplicate files remover CLI tool, targeting .NET Core 2.1
Custom wpf styling that looks a bit like material
Signed Xamarin Google Play Services - Safety Net assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
A simple solution for persisting, browsing, analyzing, inspecting and diagnosing runtime metrics collected by Metrics.NET, using the Google Analytics tools and tracking API.