Top 20 NuGet net45 Packages

.NET framework implementation of Websockets.Standard, wraps default implementation.
.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client)
cassandra-sharp - high performance .NET driver for Apache Cassandra. Please note only binary protocol (cql 3) is supported - this requires Apache Cassandra 1.2. Major features: * async operations (TPL tasks / Rx subscriptions) * Rx interface (IObservable / IObserver) for result streaming * TPL Tas...
A helper library for using TFS ICancelableAsync with the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) and Visual Studio Async CTP / Visual Studio 11.
Easy-to-use exception causality chains for async/await.
CqlSharp.Linq contains a Linq-to-Cql provider for use with the Apache Cassandra database. Main features are: * Translation of Linq queries to CQL select statements. * All CQL functions are supported, as well as tokens and the allow filtering clause. * Consistency and Paging ...
Easy-to-use calculated properties for MVVM apps (.NET 4, MonoTouch, MonoDroid, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0, and Silverlight 5).
An NLog logging extension to process CqlSharp logs through the NLog library. CqlSharp is a high performance, asynchronous Cassandra CQL binary protocol client implementing the ADO.NET data provider interfaces. See for details.
A MEF Plugin Based Console Kit
A simple framework Mvvm framework for Xamarin Forms