Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

Aurochses.Xunit.AspNetCore.Mvc is a library for creating xUnit tests for ASP.NET Core MVC.
Models, messaging services and extensions for a Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity MVC web app
Render Universal React Components from ASP.NET MVC
Perfect PDF allows you to convert almost any Razor view into a PDF, quickly and easily! Pass a lambda to the strongly-typed PdfActionResult, and let this little library do the heavy lifting for you!
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Umbraco Foundation library used at Macaw, see project url for more information about how to setup your project
ASP.Net vNext Localization Library
A lightweight framework for building plugin based web applications using Asp.Net MVC and MEF.
This is an adapter package to provide built in support for MVC 5 so it's ready to go.
Coredependencies required to create a MVC version specific AjaxHub
Collection of ASP.NET Core MVC model binders and various MVC extensions.
Toucan MVC Adapter for EntityFrameworkCore
Toucan MVC Resource Authorization Library
Injects SharpRepository using StructureMap in your Asp.Net Mvc 5 and WebApi 2 project
Provides component status evaluation to integrate with monitoring services
Provides EF Core connection status evaluation to integrate with monitoring services
Allows activity to be batched together in the background
The application Framework (the core library).
http middleware for nfinal mvc, mvc and .net core