Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

A lightweight HTTP compliant web server written in C# with full async/await implementation
.NetCore Custom Report Viewer control to replace MS Report Viewer on MVC projects (*this is for .NetCore projects only*)
Access Stored Procedures with Code First. Includes support for Input and Output parameters, multiple result sets and Table-valued parameters. V2.1 updates the Table-valued parameter support to a much simpler POCO model, more in keeping with the spirit of Code First / Entity Framework 4.1 ...
MVC application template for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Puts everything in one project. Not good for unit testing.
Helpful utilities for your ASP.NET MVC code.
An MVC3 IDependencyResolver wrapper for the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
MVC.ApiExplorer is a portable, independent component designed to help you explore all actions of controller in an ASP.NET MVC project.
MvcContrib.FluentHtml is a library of extensible, strongly-typed HTML helpers that employs a fluent API to increase productivty of authoring MVC views.
Architectural foundation for building ASP.NET MVC3 applications whit NHibernate very fast.
Welcome to Foundation Foundation is a rock-solid, responsive framework for rapidly prototyping and iterating into production code. It includes a 12-column, future-friendly grid and tons of great tools and elements that'll get you up and running in no time. Clone the repo to get the marketing site, d...
Web framework for private projects
Web framework for private projects
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET MVC.
This is a plugin to the CubeBuild MVC Framework that adds Forms authentication.
StructureMap bootstrapping for FubuMVC applications
Shared support for FubuMVC view engines
A quickstart package to quickly setup a project as a simple FubuMVC application with StructureMap as the IoC container
Easy file upload integration in mvc application with JQuery File Upload javascript plugin and Html helpers
Dependency injection modules for StructureMap that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an...
Dependency injection modules for SimpleInjector that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting ...