Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

Some useful ASP.NET Core performance and security extensions
ComponentPro Common Lib for .NET comprise utility classes used by Ultimate FTP, SFTP, Mail, Terminal, SFTP Server, Email Validator, Bounce Inspector, and Netkit.
Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing models key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing application over a RESTful JSON interface.
Logic-less templates for ASP.NET MVC 3
MvcRouteTester is a .Net library to help unit testing ASP MVC route tables. It contains asserts for for both regular controllers and the Api controllers that are new in MVC 4.0. It is built in .Net 4.0 and ASP MVC 4.0.
HtmlHelpers for managing scripts for Razor Partial Views and Templates in ASP.NET MVC
Fluent Assertions extensions for ASP.NET MVC 5.
MvcThrottle filter is designed for controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to a website based on IP address, request route, user-agent and client identity. You can set multiple limits for different scenarios like allowing an IP to make a maximum number of calls per second, per minute,...
Allows developers expose their API endpoints to that they can be imported into postman
Extremely easy way to print Pdf in Aspnet Mvc fork of original or
A grid for ASP.NET MVC and Bootstrap with ajax paging and sorting. Also has filtering support, export to csv, back button support, and graceful degradation. Easily configurable. All AJAX calls are handled for you... Simply tell it how to get your data!
Rule based HTML sanitizer using a white list. Use it to cleanup HTML and removing malicious content.
AjaxGateway.Net - Web Application Toolkit - Core Runtime - 2.1.232
AjaxGateway.Net - Web Application Toolkit - Duo Runtime - 2.1.232
Tools to make instrumenting Azure WebJobs SDK apps with Application Insights easier.
TwilioSharpMVC adds a TwiMLController base class for easily returning TwiML Responses from MVC 3 sites.
Unity.Mvc3 is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 3. This project includes a bespoke DependencyResolver that creates a child container per HTTP request and disposes of container resolved IDisposable instances at the end of the request.
A core package to create an internationalization-ready web application
A simple and lightweight data access tool for .Net
Html Conventions and other Html generation goodness for FubuMVC applications