Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

In-process Asp.Net Core MVC 6 web server. Accepts in-process requests, and responds using views and resources embedded in assemblies implementing Positron.Server.
Chromium based application UI, which uses Positron.Server.Hosting to provide in-process content.
Provides a set of MVC helper and extension methods (that depend on the T4MVC templating engine) for the popular Bootstrap, Gumby and jQuery UI CSS frameworks. Includes other MVC helpers which can be used in core MVC development as well.
Mvc CheckboxList with multi select
Castle Windsor boostrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
Used for preping Hybrid applications (cli/gui applications).
Collection of models, abstractions, and providers to facilitate persistance to cloud services.
Castle Windsor bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
A MVC/Web Form library for Modal dialog/StatusBar notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended. MVC/Web Form helper for Modal dialog/StatusBar notifications.
Autofac bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
Discovery service and agents for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
Embeds the RadarCube HTML controls into an ASP.NET MVC project to demonstrate Relational OLAP analysis. (Evaluation version)
Embeds the RadarCube HTML controls into an ASP.NET MVC project to demonstrate Multidimensional OLAP analysis. (Evaluation version)
Perfon.Mvc is an open source performance monitoring .Net framework for Asp.Net MVC 5 applications without using windows performance counters. It has built-in UI dashboard and Rest API. Collected data is stored in-memory cache, and/or in LiteDB embedded database, and/or in any custom storage driver. ...
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