Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

MSBuild targets and scripts to support build/deploy projects.
Convert a project into a NuGet package. Install Fosol.NuGetWrapper and compile your project. MSBuild will automatically create a 'Package' folder within your build target folder which will contain your NuGet package.
Dalmatian Build Tools provides additional functionality to use C# as a build script and release script language. Note: This tool is currently in Alpha and is subject to change.
Xml logger for msbuild
A nuget package executs at the end of the build process restoring node packages invoking grunt.
A nuget package executs at the end of the build process restoring node packages invoking grunt.
MSBuild Tasks to interact with Azure storage accounts.
MSBuild tasks to interact with the Outercurve Signing Service
Provides targets for building .NET projects from scratch. Ciao bootstraps the build environment by fetching the latest version of the NuGet.exe command-line client, restoring NuGet packages for your solution, injecting version metadata into your assemblies, compiling the solution, running unit tests...
MSBuild targets for Web and WebApplications that come with Visual Studio. Useful for build servers that do not have Visual Studio installed.
Common tasks for DotNetBuild scripts
Assembly runner support for DotNetBuild scripts
Use .NET scripts to build your .NET code
MSBuild TeamCity Tasks Project provides useful tasks that can help to interact build script with JetBrains TeamCity. Some of these features include displaying real-time test results and customized statistics, changing the build status, and publishing artifacts before the build is finished.
Some Xamarin Android MSBuild targets
Some WindowsPhone MSBuild targets
An MVC4 web extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
A web extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
An MSBuild task extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
An MSBuild extension which provides friendly error messages for users that need to generate a local strong name key.