Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Adds CodeSmith Generator Command line and msbuild support to Visual Studio 2022 or automated builds.
MSBuild task which extends Exec but does not wait for the spawned process to terminate. The task in this package should be loaded by UtilPack.NuGet.MSBuild task factory.
Library containing some commonly used types (e.g. logger) for working with NuGet packages in MSBuild tasks.
MSBuild task which utilizes UtilPack.NuGet.Deployment library in order to deploy NuGet packages so that they can be executed directly by dotnet. The task in this package should be loaded by UtilPack.NuGet.MSBuild task factory.
MSBuild task to push packages. Most suitable to use in rapid development builds, where each build should propagate to (local) NuGet feed. The task in this package should be loaded by UtilPack.NuGet.MSBuild task factory.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) SQL.MSbuild assembly contains abstract SQL-oriented MSBuild task, and task which reads file and executes SQL statements contained within.
Automatically creates an assembly and package version based on environmental information, such as Git.
RosMockLyn is a compile-time mocking framework that was designed to enable the ability to generate mocks in universal apps (Windows Store Apps) and for Windows Phone 8, 8.1.
Tooling support for cross-platform build automation. Apply this package to projects using MSBuild, such as a C# project (MSBuild).
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) MSBuild.Abstraction assembly contains skeleton implementations for MSBuild tasks which use CBAM packages.
Adds MSBuild targets to C# projects that rewrite the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion values depending on the most recent GitFlow "release-{version}" branch found. Also writes the Full SemVer version into the environment variable "CI_Version" so tools in a build pipeline can pick up the...
This project is a bridge between UtilPack.ResourcePooling project and custom MSBuild tasks.
NewRelic.Synthetics.Api - MsBuild target and accompanying code to work with NewRelic Synthetics API (disable/enable Synthetics monitors during deployment)
Excecutes commands on build.
An MSBuild targets file and utility for implementing the "base.config" method of transforming web.config files, along with the ability to use XmlTransform files residing in the user profile. Allows running user-specific settings in F5/F6, Publish, and Windows-based continuous integration, without ...
Provides C# functionality specific to WPF projects
Provides SDK functionality specific to Windows Forms projects
An MSBuild Extension package for including various platforms' (Android, Apple, Tizen, Web, Windows) default build items etc... in .NET projects.
This package provides support for explicitly setting assembly level properties via MSBuild properties for C#, VB.Net, C++/CLI and F#. When this package is added to your project and one or more of the properties ForceAssemblyVersion, ForceAssemblyFileVersion, ForceAssemblyInfor...