Top 20 NuGet monogame Packages

This is a simple MonoGame menu.
A simple 2D camera for Monogame.
Collision detection for Axis-Aligned-Bounding-Boxes (aka AABB).
Simple MonoGame library for a rectangle that uses float values instead of int
Sprites with bone-like hierarchy Transformations for MonoGame projects.
Basic scene graph (node-based transformations) for 3D MonoGame projects.
MonoGame.Spritesheet pipeline extensions
Simple helper for creating sprite based animations for Monogame.
GDS Particle System for Monogame (Windows) - Orginally written for Microsoft XNA
A screen component for Celestial Engine to render UI elements using HTML and CSS by leveraging Chromium Embedded Framework. Currently only supported on Windows.
Add bloom effect to MonoGame projects
Abstractions of specialized collections required by the Nuclectic Framework. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Abstractions that provide support functionality to the Nuclectic Framework. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Abstractions supporting extending MonoGame with additional geometry operations. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Framework for MonoGame to easily add an UI.
This package allows you to package up your MonoGame game into a flatpak installer for Linux.