Top 20 NuGet mono Packages

Free and Open Source fork of ServiceStack.Host.AspNet V3 Host NServiceKit in an existing ASP.NET web application at the root path '/'. NServiceKit is a modern, high-performance, code-first web service framework promoting code and web services best practices. Simple, Fast, Elegant. Websi...
Plugins and utility classes for REST API projects using Mono, ServiceStack, MongoDB and RQL
An AspNet Identity provider implemented with ServiceStack.OrmLite0.v3 (last version was 3.9.71). This provider can be used with all RDBMS that has a OrmLite Dialect.
OpenTK.GLControl is a Windows.Forms Control with OpenGL rendering capabilities. Use it to add accelerated 3d graphics to your Windows.Forms or Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. Features - Integrate 3d graphics into your Windows.Forms or WPF appli...
A lite version of http server, currently not support https for commandline usage, type in terminal: httpd ?
This is the core package for the MonoServer web framework.
Genesis.Join is a simple library that adds a Join extension method to IEnumerable<string>.
Modern OpenGL bindings for C#, Broadcom VideoCore IV (Raspberry PI 2) utilities. It includes an simple window implementation that ease the OpenGL context creation.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.RabbitMq package instead.
Genesis.TestUtil contains utility helpers for tests.
Genesis.AsyncInitializationGuard provides an InitializationGuard class, which facilitates thread-safe asynchronous initialization.
Genesis.DisconnectedUtil contains utility helpers for disconnected layers.
Genesis.GenericSerialDisposable adds a SerialDisposable<T> type to the System.Reactive.Disposables namespace.
Genesis.Logging is a library for application authors (not library authors) that facilitates performance-focussed logging that can be compiled out of performance-critical builds.
Genesis.Observables is a small library that provides commonly used, pre-canned observables.
Genesis.RepeatWithBackoff provides a RepeatWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.