Top 20 NuGet model Packages

Library for converting .NET models to different script languages.
Model-View-View-Model Design Pattern Objects implementation.
Rdf Data Model (rdf-data-model) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Package Description
Package Description
It provides a base class called Business Entities Structure (Base Model) used to map automatticaly the properties without using reflection from the database/datasource
Easily construct a pager view model with properties like CanGoToFirstPage, CanGoToPreviousPage, CanGoToNextPage, CanGoToLastPage. << < 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... > >>
Pretty much a straight copy of Nicholas Woodfield's .NET Wrapper for the Open Asset Import (Assimp) library. The library is able to import dozens of different 3D model formats (e.g. OBJ, FBX, GLTF, Collada) and export to several formats (e.g. OBJ, GLTF, Collada). This release targets version 4.1.0 o...
MvvmBinder supports Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Forms, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Windows Presentation Framework (WPF).
This library supports validation of the OPC UA Address Space captured in the XML file against the OPC UA Specification. It is assumed that the Address Space is represented as an XML file compliant with the UANodeSet schema. This library is dedicated to creating a plug-in aimed at importing models ba...
Utilities to save you some time when using MVVM pattern.
No fuss, KISS contract library for .NET.
This nuget package allows you to detect anomaly into your apps, it helps you to minimize and identify problems , No machine-learning backrground required. This nuget Call an API a pre-trained AI model that ingests time-series data of alltypes and volumes. elects the best-fitting anomaly detection m...
This is a ModelBinder designed to consume a http request and dynamically build a json serializable object for the Kendo UI Grid datasource. AutoMapper is used to support mapping from ViewModel <> Entity.
Extension classes for Antrl4 lexer and parser. Wraps a parser as a component. Integrates helpfull additional classes and methods
Extensions for VisualStudio UnitTest's Assert class to simplify e.g. testing of view models.
Bu Proje WISE Depo programı ile entegre çalışacak projelerin ortak bir model kullanılması amaçlanarak yapılmıştır.
A .Net library to handle DirectX .sdkmesh files
This is the SDK Package containing pre-made models used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.96 API