Top 20 NuGet metrics Packages

App Metrics is an open-source .NET Standard library used to record application metrics.
App Metrics Formatters for metrics and environment data to JSON using Newtonsoft.Json.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core abstractions and interfaces for routing, HTTP response formatting and more.
A developer dashboard for Microsoft Orleans
A Serilog sink that writes events to NewRelic Logs API.
The simple statsd client for .Net is a robust, easy-to-use way of feeding metrics into a statsd-compatible server. You can use it to log counts, timings and gauges. Features include: * Log counts, timings, gauges, sets and raw metrics * Has an additional API that uses dynamics to create...
App Metrics Formatters for metrics and environment data to plain text.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core MVC features such as metric tracking on controller actions using attribute routes.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core is a an open-source web framework allowing you to record typical web metrics and expose metrics and environment information over HTTP and more.
App Metrics Core abstractions and interfaces for metric types, reporting, filtering and more.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core MVC Core features such as metric tracking on controller actions using attribute routes.
Extend Serilog with timed operations.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core Tracking provides the ability to automatically collect typical web metrics from an ASP.NET Core application.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core Routing features such as exposing route templates to App Metrics for tagging request based metrics.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core Hosting provides extensions to configure App Metrics in an ASP.NET Core application.
App Metrics Health ASP.NET Core Hosting provides extensions to configure App Metrics Health in an ASP.NET Core application.
App Metrics ASP.NET Core Endpoints provides the ability to expose metrics and environment information as web endpoints.
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting (IHostBuilder) support for App Metrics.
Push metrics to a PushGateaway for the Prometheus.Client
Steeltoe Management Exporter