Top 20 NuGet message Packages

The NLog target to write to Kafka queue
Material Message Box for WPF and Silverlight
Light abstraction on top of MongoDB to provide basic message queue functionality.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.RabbitMq package instead.
NetStandard implementation of actions that you can do on a Contact: Call, Sms, Email
Distributed Message Network Library
A sweet message box designed for Android developers.
Message routing component for chatbots built with Microsoft Bot Framework C# SDK
Valdr Message (valdr-message) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A set of filters that ensures each message is proccesed only once
An asynchronous message bus
RabbitMQ.Async is a thin wrapper over the official RabbitMQ.Client library that provide integration with Microsoft TPL
Autofac connector for MongoDBQueue
Event loop with handler loading and deferred execution.
Simple library for sending messages into Slack channels using Webhook.
Amp Message (amp-message) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
ArqueBus is a .Net Standard 2.0 generic open source memory event bus.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) NATS.Implementation assembly contains implementation for NATS ( ) messaging protocol.