Top 20 NuGet mapping Packages

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WmsServer is based on .NET Framework. It is the fastest and easiest way to set up a high-performance, scalable and standards compliant Web Map Service (WMS). A WMS serves up map data as tiled images which are then consumed by client applications. With Map Suite WMS Server, you can ...
The ThinkGeo SDK for .NET Core and Xamarin, based on .NET Standard 2.1. ThinkGeo.GeoTiff is a layer extension to the ThinkGeo product line, see below for compatibility. The TiffRasterLayer represents a TIFF file for drawing on the map. Simply provide the path and filename for the TIFF file, ad...
Some people argue for manual mapping logic, others prefer automappers. We say, why not both?
Implementation for Mapping using AutoMapper
Implementation for mapping using AutoMapper
Implementation for mapping using AutoMapper
Lightweight mapping organization utility to keep track of type transformations. This is what you look for if all you need is a clear, simple, straight forward, debuggeable and organized way to write manual type mappings.
Defines facades for mapping