Top 20 NuGet log4net Packages

Log4Net implementation of the EnergyTrading logging library
Log4net extension library for configuring appenders and loggers through c# code.
Skahal.Infrastructure.Framework.Logging.ILogStrategy's implementations.
Programmatic configuration for log4net
Assign Log4Net to the BoC's logging abstraction layer
Additional Sitecore plums for Visual Studio Online services
This integration library adds support for LibLog to MassTransit. LibLog enables dependency free logging. It contains transparent builtin support for NLog, Log4Net, EntLib Logging and SeriLog or allows the user to define a custom provider. Works with .NET 4 and higher.
log4net appender to record logs in
Log4net 1.2.10 appender for RabbitMQ
This assembly provides extended features to log4net.
Mongo appender for Log4net
An implementation of Helpful.CircuitBreaker.Events for logging breaker events to log4net.
Basic log4net Policy injection framework for Unity
A Log4Net implementation of the logger used in Atlas.ServiceBus
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
A Log4Net implementation of the logger used in Atlas.Persistence
Common.Log adapter for log4net.
Simple log4net appender which logs to the API from your WebApi application.
log4net logger for MailSafer
Log4Net adapter for AnyLog