Top 20 NuGet linq Packages

An AOP framework that can intercept any method call: instance or static, virtual or not. It's very easy to get started with, it has in-depth support of LINQ and comes with bunch of useful stock aspect classes for DAL, BL, Testing and Service tiers.
Catharsis.Repository .NET library provides abstraction over persistent data storages by introducing common repository pattern interfaces over popular ORM frameworks (NHibernate, Entity Framework, LINQ2SQL), as well as their implementations : - NHibernate -> NHibernateRepository - LINQ2SQL -> LinqT...
SQLite Portable for .NET4.5, Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+.
lib12 is a library of universal helpers and extensions useful in any .NET project
A library of common utility functions and LINQ extensions.
Vanessa Sharp - .Net library for data access to 1C:Enterprise. Supports standard software interfaces for data access. Vanessa Sharp contains 1C ADO.Net Provider and LinqTo1C (LINQ Provider).
[Portable] A throttling lib, allowing you using a small reusable resources in a parallel way q: [email protected]
Additional LINQ extensions.
AutoClutch.AutoRepo is a simple generic repository for Entity Framework 6 that can be used to save you coding time when creating a data layer.
Testing utilities: Resource finder, DB deployer, Asserts and more
Biggy is a Fast, In-Memory, Synchronized Document/Relational Query Tool for .NET. Sqlite extension.
A Fast, Synchronized Document/Relational Query Tool for .NET. Azure Blob storage extension
Biggy is a Fast, In-Memory, Synchronized Document/Relational Query Tool for .NET. Json file extension
Biggy is a Fast, In-Memory, Synchronized Document/Relational Query Tool for .NET. Postgres extension.
A tiny, fast and rich Javascript LINQ-like library for working with collections. Barely 8KB minified, over 60 functions, highly optimized for performance. Works with browsers back to IE6.
A JavaScript library that adds LINQ-like methods to Array objects
Library which extends LINQ query handling for data access, allowing for expressions not otherwise supported by the provider. For example, allows more complex expressions and other method calls to be used with Entity Framework. Also compatible with AutoMapper and Project().To<>().
This package lets you use regular arithmetic operators on enumerables. It also provides convenient extension methods for System.Math and System.Numerics.Complex methods.
ExCSS reads and parses stylesheets using CSS 3 and CSS 2 selector specifications, and is easily queryable from LINQ using its simple and readable object model.
Makes implementing IQueryable and IQueryProvider in F# functional and easy.