Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Super awesome Indiegame library.
TreeDotNet is a simple implementation of multi-branch tree written in C#.
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for all .NET projects.
Unified Utility Library Underscore.cs
A wrapper library for Active Directory (LDAP) authentication
Manage mikrotik routers with .NET C# code via ADO.NET like API or enjoy O/R mapper like highlevel API.
Responsive grid is a custom panel control for WPF/UWP. This library provides the grid layout system that is similar to Bootstrap framework.
Simple collection of Helper for your project.
Library to log remotely
Windows Library
Cross-platform native dynamic library loader for .NET. Provides advanced P/Invoke functionality using NativeLibrary, LoadLibrary and libdl. Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Manage multiple brokers accounts from a single application. Implement reliable, legal and robust interface to any supported forex broker.
Provides powerful yet lightweight logging functionality to your Crosslight apps. Supports all client and server platforms.
Provides seamless logging integration to Microsoft Azure Insights service, including page view and error logs. Supports all client and server platforms.
Provides end-to-end push messaging functionality to your Crosslight apps. Supports iOS, Android and Windows for the client platforms and .NET 4.5 for the server platforms.
Provides ethernet and bluetooth connectivity services for Crosslight development.
This NuGet package contains a zip file with the source code for the Enterprise Library Integration Pack for Windows Azure. The Microsoft Enterprise Library is a set of reusable application blocks that help developers meet common enterprise software development challenges. The Microsoft Enterprise Li...
The Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API provides a .NET Framework interface to EWS in Exchange Online, Exchange Online as part of Office 365, and versions of Exchange starting with Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1). You can use this version of the EWS Managed API to evaluate the librar...
Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 4.5.2+ / Netstandard 2.0+. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms and data-structures like graphs, priority queues, command, undo-redo and more. Algorithmia is one of the pillars of LLBLGen Pro and is used in production successfully since May 201...
.Net utils library for MVC