Top 20 NuGet lazy Packages

A very lightweight utility library for increased expressiveness.
Explicitly load related entities using navigation properties.
Lazy object loading-unloading for huge collections which do not fit into RAM.
Project Composite introduces extensions that make building sequence-based composite data processing solutions seamless and easy. It has interfaces specifically tailored for C# and F# use.
Infrastructure functions helpful in testing the code using Project Composite functions.
Unity 2.1 custom extensions which enable to pull Lazy<T> and IEnumerable<Lazy<T>> from the container.
Sequences is a port of Scala's Stream[+A] to C#. A Sequence<T> is an immutable lazy list whose elements are only evaluated when they are needed. A sequence is composed by a head (the first element) and a lazily-evaluated tail (the remaining elements). The fact that the tail is lazily-evaluated, ma...
Provides classes for deferred/lazy calculation of values.
WPF ComboBox with support for lazy-loading and incremental loading of large datasources
Provides some Dictionaries, that generate their values on requst unsing a factoy. The dictionaries are not thread safe. The dictionary used different caching techniques like CacheAll, WeakReferences and AccesBases cached,
Unofficial Bing Search API. Allows get results asap (return lazy IEnumerable)
Simple set of Lazy extensions. Code savers like: Lazy.Create(...) which allow for type inference
This package enables LazyLoading for EntityFramework Core
Delimited string enumerator. An extension to enable more control over flat delimitted strings using minimal memory.
mon framework qui vous simplifie la vie.
TemporaryLazy utrils.