Top 20 NuGet jira Packages

Utilities to interact with Atlassian products. Contains LinqToJira provider for querying JIRA Issue tracker (
A library for accessing Atlassians Jira from .NET
method (routine) : GetAllIssuesPj() in the library JIRA.GetAll.IssuesInPj.dll to be used with C# code Doc at : GetAllIssuesPj(string username, string password, string urlbase, string projectname, int Writeconsole) execute a GET http...
routines (methods) in a DLL library, to be used in C# code. routines using JIRA REST API to get or post details on JIRA server & groups, users, or Issues . results are printed on console and/or writen in json formated files and/or plain text formated files, and for some, in Excel files. Doc ...
Program in C# . the exec prog uses the REST API end point : /rest/api/2/groupuserpicker?query=. It extracts all JIRA, users, groups, name, emailadress matching a specific string and parse them in a json file (Json formated) & in a text formated file. (Rest API from Jira Server platform REST API ...
The exec program & the routine : GetUsersDetailFromGroup returns a list of objects (objects of type Group) List<GroupInfo> & write result to file (Json style) : List-Details-from-group-{0}.txt" & write result to file (text file) : List-accounts-from-group-{0}.txt" Details...
Utilities to interact with Atlassian products. Contains LinqToJira provider for querying JIRA Issue tracker (
JIRA command line interface.
OAuth addition for Dapplo.Jira
dotnet tool to query/view AzDO (or Jira) Tasks' details/states
Seq app to create issues on Atlassian Jira
Enables you to use standard drivers to access to the Jira Connect API
A library for accessing Atlassians JIRA from .NET via the PowerShell
Interface for soft integration (docker, github, jenkins, jira, syncany...). Allow you to create your own private cloud with syncany
Enables you to use standard drivers to connect to Jira Service Management objects. Just specify your credentials and access tables like Requests, ServiceDesks, Users, etc.
Svg support for WinForms
allow to make a post rest api request to a jira server . write result to console & and to files located in the current directory : Response.txt & Response.json (in your current directory). Parameters to give is a json file , containing your post request details. (only Rest API from Jira Server pl...
Program in C# . the exec Get all Jira groups , it uses the REST API end point : /rest/api/2/groups/picker. extract all groups and parse them in a json file (Json formated) & in a text formated file. Rest API from Jira Server platform REST API reference)
Provides InMemory and File implementations of SimpleJira.Interface.IJira.